Snipe Shooting

Snipe shooting-Epistle on snipe shooting, from Ned Copper
Cap, Esq., to George Trigger-George Trigger’s reply to
Ned Copper Cap-Black partridge.


“Si sine amore jocisque
Nil est jucundum, vivas in &more jooisque.”
“If nothing appears to you delightful without love and
sports, then live in sporta and love.”


LOVE shooting. It is enjoyed in the open air. It removes one from the vicinity of flat-roofed, candle-pillared, sun-dried, brick-built, mulligatawny looking houses. You pursue it alone, or, in the society of a friend, equally well. Occasionally it is (I allow) rather hot work, but to a man whose particular taste may lead him to the viewing and enjoying the rays of that great luminary, the sun, shooting affords him the very best opportunity. A good day’s snipe shooting is however, in my opinion, sufficiently exciting to keep away all thoughts and fidgetings about either his power, influence or effects.

As yet old Phœbus has behaved with great liberality and kindness towards me, nor has he ever even shown an inclination in his hottest moments to quarrel. He has now, for some years past, thrown his burning beams pretty freely about my head when in pursuit of the snipe, and up to this day I am unscathed.

This, however, says nothing, for the old proverb hath it— “What is one’s man’s meat is another man’s poison.” But physicians could, if they would, prove distinctly that when the system is under one particular excitement it is not subject to another. Hence my impunity may be due to my enthusiastic fondness for the sport.

To pursue snipe effectually, the sportsman requires many qualifications, among which I note the following: unremitting fag and bottom, fortitude and some constitution. He should be almost impregnable to the approaches of diseases; to bogs, swamps, water, rain, sun, and chick-weed no stranger; be able to put up, comfortably and complacently, with wet feet, occasionally a wet jacket, sometimes a paucity of birds, a mahogany countenance, dry throat, and generally amphibious habits. All these enumerated qualifications are not drawbacks, but trifles in the estimation of the true sportsman; and, if I may speak for myself, or according to my feelings, doubting not but that I express those of most men devoted to the following of this elegant bird, I must say that snipe shooting is superior to every other department of the chase where fowling forms the medium of its enjoyment.

The following observations hastily thrown together on the habits and pursuit of the snipe may perhaps possess some interest.

On the snipe at home I have had such little opportunity of making observations that it would savour little short of presumption to assert that it is the same species we find in the Bengal jheels.

But such is my opinion. There are some slight differences, and to the best of my recollection and ability, I will describe them.

The bill of the Indian snipe* is rather of a lighter colour, and more green towards the nostril; the spoon a little broader, and apparently less sensitive.

The legs of a paler colour, less white on the breast: all differences of so slight a nature that possibly my fancy may have conjured them up. In every other respect he seems to me the same, arriving about the usual time, viz., September, seeking the same feeding ground, about the same
weight (when in condition), and flying very often as strong.

* [Scolopax gallinago.]

When I say” seeking the same ground,” it is not to be supposed I mean paddy lands; but in Egypt he is met with in the same identical sort of cultivation. There, as in Bengal, he feeds in the highly cultivated and overflowed rice fields. The khets (with us) are his favourite September haunts, and in this fine tufted grain, without a weed, you find him—on a rich soapy clay bottom as even as a dish of hasty pudding or paste just set—with his breast lightly resting on a dry root or stem; there he insinuates his sensitive bill, and explores with it the recesses of the soil for his food, which, if in abundance, he soon fattens, when he often requires to be kicked up, and becomes a pretty easy shot to any one at all accustomed to hold a gun straight.

It has been said of this bird that he ” fattens in one night “—an assertion I should not like the credit of having made. I have however shot them on the 5th and 6th of September in superb condition, both blow and feather, and I feel convinced they could not have been in above five or six days. The ground, I must observe, was of the finest description; most of it transplanted paddy, with about three inches of a week’s old water on it, all clear at bottom, not a thing to intercept the sight of the bird. Such patches of ground you fall in with at the edges of jheels from which the khets are irrigated. They are generally bounded lightly round, and when bordered with toot (mulberry) are still more likely for the snipe. The deep ditches that surround the mulberry khets are also generally well sprinkled with snipe. and the sportsman will always do right to beat the edges of them thoroughly.

For myself, I am always very curious in exploring such haunts, having found birds delight to settle there, and that they generally lie close.

In these sort of places I have often turned over three or four brace without scarcely moving from the spot,—circumstance which one day gave rise to a friend (who was shooting at s0me distance) observing of me-“Why, twist the fellow, he is firing at a mark.”

I rather query whether that distinguishing peculiarity of snipes invariably flying against. the wind so well authenticated, and so often described as an undeviating fact in the bird at home, is so apparent in those we meet with in this country. For my own part I should say not, feeling certain I have observed so many birds going down the wind as up it. Should this be right, it is therefore of little consequence whether the wind is at the sportman’s back or in his face, save one: the advantage of seeing your game better. There can be no doubt that the minute particles floating in the air, particularly when there is a true snipe breeze, and which are ever lit up on a sunny day, making you fancy the landscape is moving behind them, are more dazzling and annoying to the sight with the wind in your face than otherwise, and that their effect is to take away and destroy in a great measure that steadiness and precision of eye so requisite at times even to the best shots.

On Snipe Shooting.


    My DEAR GEORGE,—What a pretty bird is a snipe, and what pretty shooting is snipe shooting! Seeing a spaniel flush a snipe is as pretty a thing as I could wish to sec. I allude to England. Ask a good sportsman what shooting he likes best, and he will tell you snipe shooting. Ask him why, and he will answer, that there is no poking work, no butchery, as with pheasants. In this country I invariably use dogs—I mean pointers—which, I believe, you do not; if so, I should recommend you to try them. Give it a fair trial,-one week’s work and you will be delighted. I think George Trigger possesses some black dogs which I should venture to say are of Spanish stock. In England I have shot snipe as early as September, which is very rare. In October and November I have repeatedly shot them; they, however, are not plentiful till December. Foggy days and moonlight nights make the best time for finding snipes: they travel by night and never leave in foggy weather. Depend upon it, that snipes almost invariably fly against the wind. So perfectly satisfied am I of it  that  if I have not my dogs with me, I send two men always to leeward and remain to windward, keeping the line; and I have almost invariably had the shot if it was put up by the farthest beater.

But that is only in tacking; for as long as I could go down wind, I should always prefer it, as I am sure of a side shot as they haul up to the breeze, and such shots are not easily missed. I have heard from a first-rate sportsman their reason for facing the breeze, and, I think it is sufficiently obvious the snipe is very thinly feathered about the back, rather, I should say, delicately,-not stiff enough to resist the wind, but their breast is very well provided with small close-set feathers; so by flying against the wind they get rid of the annoyance I mentioned,—the ruffling of the feathers. Now, Mr. George, I should like to try my hand with you in the same jheel, say, on a fine sunny snipe day, with strong north-east breeze, I shooting down wind, and you up.

I should get more shots than you would, and, consequently, more birds; for a snipe is a bird I very rarely miss. As for double shots, you would be blinded by the smoke of the first barrel. I would bet you  trifle, I should kill three birds to your two. How useful is the pointer in picking up the stragglers; and really it is worth going out to see a good dog act! I think with you that the snipe of our shores is the same bird and species as the Bengal snipe. I think tho bird in this country flies slower than the bold Britisher, but that is very easily accounted for. I attribute it to better feed, and their consequent fatness, besides their being less disturbed, and consequently less wild. I can see no difference in the jack-snipe of the two countries. At home I have seen a jack-snipe give a person five hours’ shooting.

I think you would find No.8 a good substitute for 7,—No. 9 is meant for murder, not for sport. White is decidedly the worst colour for a shooting dress. I should recommend a light green or brown, and a ventilating topee, which keeps one’s head delightfully cool. Merely tal<e your card-cutter and punch half a dozen holes round the sides, just under the crown, and one in the centre of the crown; and if that does not feel a pound lighter at the end of the day, as well as keep out all pernicious effects of the sun, I’m a downright Lord William,—a Dutchman. I hope you never treat yourself to brandy and water out—I always find it increases my thirst. Now if I feel a little nervous I find the best sedative in a good cheroot. I hope you never begin before eleven, from which time till four they lie like stones—though you may spend the early part of the morning very profitably amongst th’ wild ducks and teal, of which I have seen something at home. I was watching the flight in amongst a lot more sailors apparently, and smugglers, on the southern coast of England. We were scattered all over the marsh—it was night. Bang went a gun, pitter patter came the shot all round me. Thinks I to myself this is really pleasant, but how shall I tell the fellow so? I preferred the argumentum ad hominem, and let fly both barrels in the direction where I had seen the flash of his gun.

His astonishment vented itself in oaths. He, not thinking it prudent to remain so near a Griff, went away.

Another I have seen, a son of the emerald isle, with a sand bag at the butt of his gun, taking a most deliberate aim, on his knees, which rather surprised me, as the birds were flying over him. The gun, however, did go off, and down fell Paddy.—” Why Paddy,” said I, “you must load pretty
heavy.”—” Oh, no matter of that, your honour, a matter of sax fingers at the iverige! “—” Well, but
what makes you kneel down when you fire? “—” Sure is it not that I have not so far to fall, your honour.”

I have repeatedly heard some people assert that they have seen snipe before rising. Credat Judœus ! I have shot many, but never saw one on the ground that was not dead. The real secret in
killing snipe is not to be flurried by that ominous cry of “scape, scape.” Knock him over directly he rises, or let him fly fifty yards, and he will have ceased twisting, and will fly steady; and a snipe
is never out of shot—l mean that a snipe may be killed at eighty yards.

I shall be most happy should you come this way to try my system of shooting snipe against yours, and if I come down your way, shall do the same, and will drink a bottle to the downfall of the intruder.
I am, my dear George Trigger,
With profound respect,

My DEAR NED,—I am really quite delighted at hearing from one whose admiration and enthusiasm for that elegant sport, snipe shooting, appear equal to my own.

With, most probably, all your English feeling about you, you hail this as the first of shooting pleasures, and my own home recollections, I assure you, are equally vivid and warm 011 the subject of this elegant sport.

A cock, or four or five couple of snipe, ill my time, counted more in the sportsman’s bag, than four times the number of either hare, pheasant, or partridge, and I am happy in supposing that a dozen years have not altered the feelings and opinions of the lovers of the trigger on this particular pursuit.

After conning over very attentively your friendly and excellent communication, it did not appear to me that we differed materially on the peculiarities of the sport, and I came to the conclusion that when you have rubbed off a little of your English prejudices in our Bengal jheels, and become more acquainted with them—the bird of this country, his habits, &c.—that we may almost or entirely agree .

Indian Snipe

Many of your ideas appear to me (now take this kindly) to smack slightly of snipe shooting near the great City of Palaces, in the vicinity of which I have myself, as a “Ditcher,” partaken of the amphibious sport; perfectly” I think,” a different one in most of its details to what we enjoy in the

In the first place, I cannot be as orthodox as you wish me, and seem yourself to be, on the two crotchets: that the pointer is so valuable an addition to the sportsman when in pursuit of the bird, and that the snipe in this country invariably flies against the wind.

With respect to using pointers in pursuing them, my dear Ned, a little experience in the months of September and October will, no doubt, show you the absurdity and impossibility of doing so, either for the purpose of finding or retrieving. No pointer of good English blood, or even the best currency, can work an hour after ten 0′ clock ill either of the above months; independent of which, I defy him to find as he ought. Old Phœbus in September has his annual fever on him, and I declare that I think it is the hottest month in the whole year. This month and October are the two best for following the long bills, and you will further find, that one man to carry your powder-bag and charges, and one to work, is the” ticket for soup.”

For my own part, I would not take out one of my ” Spanish,” as you are pleased to call them, for four times his value. No, no; these tits are reserved for the whole quail that ought to be in during the whole of  October. Daylight then sees me on the ground, enjoying in a degree English partridge shooting in miniature. Then, my delight is to see the good working and steadiness of the dogs.  Again, with respect to using the pointer, suppose the dogs could both work and find, in how few jheels and paddy khets, where the birds lie, would the working be practicable! Were there fine watered savannahs, and should your dog be so beautifully broken to ranging that, as you say, “in shooting down the wind,” he makes those short quartering angles about thirty yards before you, thus placing the game between the shooter and himself, thereby giving him the chance of catching the wind and so finding, then I would give your system the preference in November—not before—making up my mind that numbers of birds beyond him must be flushed. The best dog could not help it.

Instead of such haunts the snipe is found often on the paddy in a depth of water perhaps matted much with long weeds, or else on a soft muddy bottom distressing to a dog beyond measure.

You are decidedly of opinion, you say, that snipe invariably fly against the wind, and advance in
support of’ it, that the feathers on the back are peculiarly fine and delicate in their formation.

This peculiarity has really never struck me on looking at the bird, and, if it is the case, nature must have been strangely deficient in a point affecting one of the bird’s greatest distinctions, viz., its migratory habits. It is supposed that snipe ill Europe breed principally in the large swamps of Germany and Switzerland, from whence, on their advent to our shores, they arrive with a driving east by northerly wind. Now, if the feathers of the back were really thus delicate (a peculiarity I have said I never remarked) the bird would be greatly annoyed—quite as much with the wind being on the quarter as dead astern.

Why, he would be “feathers up” all the way to Greenland, and most probably, on arrival, be laid up, either with lumbago, or the wind colic. The feather idea is a very pretty fanciful one when taken at first sight; but I think it may have more ingenuity in it than reality.

You say you would like to try your hand with me in the jheel with a good strong north·east wind blowing, and that you would get more shots than I. Come along, old cock; but mind, we must have dogs and all, and I my odds. I will take two couple out of twelve of you, for I am an indifferent shot.

Do not understand that I make it a rule to always shoot up the wind, giving the birds the advantage over me—if you are correct according to the invariable principle; no, I start off for the jheel and endeavour to get to it the nearest way I can. I step in, and if the wind is according to the old prejudice, perhaps so much the better—if not,”who’s afeard?” hold the gun straight, and shoot quick, which,  with moderate luck, will generally show pretty good returns.

I find I kill my birds very clean with No. 10, and when they are wild, and there is lots of wind going, No.7.

A Guernsey frock, which flannels you down to the wrists, and a very thick solar topee in the shape of a hunting cap, I have found the best gear for the hot September shooting. Forgive me the cheroot, as you love me.” I seldom when at work, take “anything short,” but on my making my bow I generally slap down a good glass “before the coach starts,” fling on my shooting jacket, throw my leg over, and gallop home like bricks. I immediately apply very hot water to my feet, get a good rub down, after which, as soon as good Mister Bawarchee choses to give me dinner, I sit down, and often with appetite enough to consume the hind leg of an elephant if it was properly deviled.

Three o’clock is my hour for beginning to work. There are no dukes in our paddy khets to shoot at. The latter extend for miles with from three inches to three feet of water on them. When not disturbed, I believe the snipe paces very leisurely and at intervals, with his head erect; but he is so very vigilant that the moment he hears the slighest noise he squats. This may account for the great difficulty of ever getting a peep at him on the ground unless floored.

You make mention of my dogs. Have you ever seen them, and at what time? In the evening they are never unkennelled till nearly sunset; so it must have been a very late heure when you had your peep.

They are purely bred, and very thoroughly broken. Their steadiness to quail, especially to that lamplighter footed short-flighted puzzling in and out chap the bush or rain quail, may be the best
example I can give you of it.

Who was your friend who got five hours’ shooting at a jack-snipe?

He must have been a poker, or the breeze had made saucy Jack go like a butterfly-at which time he is most puzzling, I will allow.

You conclude by mentioning systems of snipe shooting. I am free to confess to you, I have none—
never had any, and I sincerely trust I may never be the slave of one.

I have never cared as yet whereabouts I was put down to commence shooting, so that there were
birds; what quarter the wind blew from; how hot the sun was; or what I bagged. Let there be birds and I’ll have my fair proportion.

In this particular I am not unlike” a rat catcher’s dog in a sink “—rough and ready, and as ready I shall always be to swipe a bottle of good ale in fellowship with Ned Copper Cap; and I hope he may soon come this way.
Yours very truly,

The Black Partridge.

” You may talk to me, Mr. George, what you like, about your still life, and dead game; but give me, ill preference, the flutter of wings and feathers in the grass covert, or the jheel side. So come along, and try the edge of that jungle to the left. I will be hanged but there is old ‘Rap’ in the next field, drawing better than ever you did in your life, old cock.” Such was the salutation I received one morning from a “brother sportsman,” as he cleared the deep ditch into the next field, followed by your humble. In spite of his bad taste, however, I took care that the beautiful plumage of the bird just shot, and which I had been apostrophising, should not be ruffled, determined to try my hand at a representation of him as he came down. And here you have it. Be was knocked over at a considerable distance from where we first found him, having ran; but his seat was so warm and grateful to the dog, that he remained immoveable, nor would ” Rap” believe that he was oft’ till his ear was saluted with the sharp crack of the gun, and he turned his head in time to see him purl over.

If he had been an alderman of twenty wards he could not have made more fuss in getting up; but he was hit by my friend handsomely and clean.

His plumage was of the most superb description, and he was more handsomely marked, I think, than any bird I ever before met with. The head was of the true game cut; the beautiful snowy ring round the neck, like the male pheasant at home; the velvet pall-like blackness of his starry spotted breast; the elegant yellow legs, with spurs just budding;  he long pinion feathers, eyed to their tips, similar to the painted snipe, and indeed the whole contour was the  perfection of a game bird.

I think that if Solon had ever seen the black partridge, he would have included him along with the pheasant in his well-known remark” that having once seen the beautiful plumage of that bird, he never could be astonished at any other finery in the world.”

In this country it is seldom or ever (at least in Bengal) that the sportsman can get anything like good partridge shooting in the open—although the bird is similar in habit to the bird in England. Where cultivation and water are abundant there the bird best thrives and is found. Before the dawn the cock leaves the jungles to feed in the open; never flying any distance from there, he alights and immediately commences calling, which you will hear answered from the jungle in all directions; gradually they are at feed and watering.

Among the cut indigo, the young flowering kaly, and tufts of uncleared grass, they are to be met with from daylight till 11 or 12 o’clock. The slightest noise has the effect of turning their heads to the jungle, and the only way of beating up the ground is to keep the cover, either on your right hand or left; never work up to its face.

I have often remarked, in a day’s shooting, you will find nothing but cock birds in your bag. Can these be males that, for want of mates, have packed and kept close together from the breeding season, and perhaps awaiting the newt pairing?

Both partridge and quail delight in a rather sandy soil.

“Ah what avails his gloesy varying dyes,
His jetty breast sparkling with snowy eyes;
His painted wings and game-like neck and head,
The vivid colours over all thus spread.
He dies.”



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In July of 1968, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA), published NASA Technical Report TR R-277 titled Chronological Catalog of Recorded Lunar Events.

The catalog begins with the first entry dated November 26th, 1540 at ∼05h 00m:

Feature: Region of Calippus2 Description: Starlike appearance on dark side Observer: Observers at Worms Reference: [...] Read more →

Watch Fraud on eBay


EBay has had a problem with fraudulent sellers since its inception back in 1995. Some aspects of the platform have improved with algorithms and automation, but others such as customer service and fraud have gotten worse. Small sellers have definitely been hurt by eBay’s [...] Read more →

Art Fraud

A la Russie, aux ânes et aux autres – by Chagall – 1911

Marc Chagall is one of the most forged artists on the planet. Mark Rothko fakes also abound. According to available news reports, the art market is littered with forgeries of their work. Some are even thought to be [...] Read more →

Zulu Yawl

Dec. 10, 1898 Forest and Stream Pg. 477-479


The little ship shown in the accompanying plans needs no description, as she speaks for herself, a handsome and shipshape craft that a man may own for years without any fear that she will go to pieces [...] Read more →

Audubon’s Art Method and Techniques

Audubon started to develop a special technique for drawing birds in 1806 a Mill Grove, Pennsylvania. He perfected it during the long river trip from Cincinnati to New Orleans and in New Orleans, 1821.

Home Top of [...] Read more →

A Survey of Palestine – 1945-1946

This massive volume gives one a real visual sense of what it was like running a highly efficient colonial operation in the early 20rh Century. It will also go a long way to help anyone wishing to understand modern political intrigue in the Middle-East.

Click here to read A Survey of Palestine [...] Read more →

Cup of Tea? To be or not to be

Twinings London – photo by Elisa.rolle

Is the tea in your cup genuine?

The fact is, had one been living in the early 19th Century, one might occasionally encounter a counterfeit cup of tea. Food adulterations to include added poisonings and suspect substitutions were a common problem in Europe at [...] Read more →

Tobacco as Medicine

The first published illustration of Nicotiana tabacum by Pena and De L’Obel, 1570–1571 (shrpium adversana nova: London).

Tobacco can be used for medicinal purposes, however, the ongoing American war on smoking has all but obscured this important aspect of ancient plant.

Tobacco is considered to be an indigenous plant of [...] Read more →

Producing and Harvesting Tobacco Seed

THE FIRST step in producing a satisfactory crop of tobacco is to use good seed that is true to type. The grower often can save his own seed to advantage, if he wants to.

Before topping is done, he should go over the tobacco field carefully to pick [...] Read more →

Blackberry Wine


5 gallons of blackberries 5 pound bag of sugar

Fill a pair of empty five gallon buckets half way with hot soapy water and a ¼ cup of vinegar. Wash thoroughly and rinse.

Fill one bucket with two and one half gallons of blackberries and crush with [...] Read more →

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. “Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns!” he said. Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Home Top of [...] Read more →

The Hoochie Coochie Hex

From Dr. Marvel’s 1929 book entitled Hoodoo for the Common Man, we find his infamous Hoochie Coochie Hex.

What follows is a verbatim transcription of the text:

The Hoochie Coochie Hex should not be used in conjunction with any other Hexes. This can lead to [...] Read more →

Chantry Chapels

William Wyggeston’s chantry house, built around 1511, in Leicester: The building housed two priests, who served at a chantry chapel in the nearby St Mary de Castro church. It was sold as a private dwelling after the dissolution of the chantries.

A Privately Built Chapel

Chantry, chapel, generally within [...] Read more →

Making Apple Cider Vinegar

The greatest cause of failure in vinegar making is carelessness on the part of the operator. Intelligent separation should be made of the process into its various steps from the beginning to end.


The apples should be clean and ripe. If not clean, undesirable fermentations [...] Read more →

Christmas Pudding with Dickens

Traditional British Christmas Pudding Recipe by Pen Vogler from the Charles Dickens Museum


85 grams all purpose flour pinch of salt 170 grams Beef Suet 140 grams brown sugar tsp. mixed spice, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, &c 170 grams bread crumbs 170 grams raisins 170 grams currants 55 grams cut mixed peel Gram to [...] Read more →

Target Practice

Nov. 12, 1898 Forest and Stream Pg. 396

The Veterans to the Front.

Ironton. O., Oct. 28.—Editor Forest and Stream: I mail you a target made here today by Messrs. E. Lawton, G. Rogers and R. S. Dupuy. Mr. Dupuy is seventy-four years old, Mr. Lawton seventy-two. Mr. Rogers [...] Read more →

JP Morgan’s Digital Currency Patent Application

J.P. Morgan Patent #8,452,703

Method and system for processing internet payments using the electronic funds transfer network.


Embodiments of the invention include a method and system for conducting financial transactions over a payment network. The method may include associating a payment address of an account [...] Read more →

Why Beauty Matters – Sir Roger Scruton

Roger Scruton – Why Beauty Matters (2009) from Mirza Akdeniz on Vimeo.

Click here for another site on which to view this video.

Sadly, Sir Roger Scruton passed away a few days ago—January 12th, 2020. Heaven has gained a great philosopher.

Home Top of [...] Read more →

English Fig Wine

Take the large blue figs when pretty ripe, and steep them in white wine, having made some slits in them, that they may swell and gather in the substance of the wine.

Then slice some other figs and let them simmer over a fire in water until they are reduced [...] Read more →

King Arthur Legends, Myths, and Maidens

King Arthur, Legends, Myths & Maidens is a massive book of Arthurian legends. This limited edition paperback was just released on Barnes and Noble at a price of $139.00. Although is may seem a bit on the high side, it may prove to be well worth its price as there are only [...] Read more →

The Real Time Piece Gentleman and the Digital Watch Vault

Paul Thorpe, Brighton, U.K.

The YouTube watch collecting world is rather tight-knit and small, but growing, as watches became a highly coveted commodity during the recent world-wide pandemic and fueled an explosion of online watch channels.

There is one name many know, The Time Piece Gentleman. This name for me [...] Read more →

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika


Translated into English by PANCHAM SINH

Panini Office, Allahabad [1914]


There exists at present a good deal of misconception with regard to the practices of the Haṭha Yoga. People easily believe in the stories told by those who themselves [...] Read more →

Ought King Leopold to be Hanged?

King Leopold Butcher of the Congo

For the somewhat startling suggestion in the heading of this interview, the missionary interviewed is in no way responsible. The credit of it, or, if you like, the discredit, belongs entirely to the editor of the Review, who, without dogmatism, wishes to pose the question as [...] Read more →

Fresh Water Angling – The Two Crappies


July 2, 1898 Forest and Stream,

Fresh-Water Angling. No. IX.—The Two Crappies. BY FRED MATHER.

Fishing In Tree Tops.

Here a short rod, say 8ft., is long enough, and the line should not be much longer than the rod. A reel is not [...] Read more →

Platform of the American Institute of Banking in 1919

Resolution adapted at the New Orleans Convention of the American Institute of Banking, October 9, 1919:

“Ours is an educational association organized for the benefit of the banking fraternity of the country and within our membership may be found on an equal basis both employees and employers; [...] Read more →

Artist Methods

Como dome facade – Pliny the Elder – Photo by Wolfgang Sauber

Work in Progress…


Every substance may be considered as a varnish, which, when applied to the surface of a solid body, gives it a permanent lustre. Drying oil, thickened by exposure to the sun’s heat or [...] Read more →

The Field of the Cloth of Gold

Reprint from the Royal Collection Trust Website

The meeting between Henry VIII and Francis I, known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold, took place between 7 to 24 June 1520 in a valley subsequently called the Val d’Or, near Guisnes to the south of Calais. The [...] Read more →

Indian Modes of Hunting – Musquash

Hudson Bay: Trappers, 1892. N’Talking Musquash.’ Fur Trappers Of The Hudson’S Bay Company Talking By A Fire. Engraving After A Drawing By Frederic Remington, 1892.

Indian Modes of Hunting.


In Canada and the United States, the killing of the little animal known under the several names of [...] Read more →

Carpenters’ Furniture

IT requires a far search to gather up examples of furniture really representative in this kind, and thus to gain a point of view for a prospect into the more ideal where furniture no longer is bought to look expensively useless in a boudoir, but serves everyday and commonplace need, such as [...] Read more →

The American Museum in Britain – From Florida to Bath

Hernando de Soto (c1496-1542) Spanish explorer and his men torturing natives of Florida in his determination to find gold. Hand-coloured engraving. John Judkyn Memorial Collection, Freshford Manor, Bath

The print above depicts Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto and his band of conquistadors torturing Florida natives in order to extract information on where [...] Read more →

Shooting in Wet Weather


Reprint from The Sportsman’s Cabinet and Town and Country Magazine, Vol I. Dec. 1832, Pg. 94-95

To the Editor of the Cabinet.


Possessing that anxious feeling so common among shooters on the near approach of the 12th of August, I honestly confess I was not able [...] Read more →

The Crime of the Congo by Arthur Conan Doyle


Man looks at severed hand and foot….for refusing to climb a tree to cut rubber for King Leopold

Click here to read The Crime of the Congo by Arthur Conan Doyle

Victim of King Leopold of Belgium

Click on the link below for faster download.

The [...] Read more →

The Shirk – An Old but Familiar Phenomena


THE shirk is a well-known specimen of the genus homo. His habitat is offices, stores, business establishments of all kinds. His habits are familiar to us, but a few words on the subject will not be amiss. The shirk usually displays activity when the boss is around, [...] Read more →

A Conversation between H.F. Leonard and K. Higashi

H.F. Leonard was an instructor in wrestling at the New York Athletic Club. Katsukum Higashi was an instructor in Jujitsu.

“I say with emphasis and without qualification that I have been unable to find anything in jujitsu which is not known to Western wrestling. So far as I can see, [...] Read more →

The Preparation of Marketable Vinegar

It is unnecessary to point out that low-grade fruit may often be used to advantage in the preparation of vinegar. This has always been true in the case of apples and may be true with other fruit, especially grapes. The use of grapes for wine making is an outlet which [...] Read more →

Abingdon, Berkshire in the Year of 1880

St.Helen’s on the Thames, photo by Momit


From a Dictionary of the Thames from Oxford to the Nore. 1880 by Charles Dickens

Abingdon, Berkshire, on the right bank, from London 103 3/4miles, from Oxford 7 3/4 miles. A station on the Great Western Railway, from Paddington 60 miles. The time occupied [...] Read more →

44 Berkeley Square

The Clermont Club

Reprint from London Bisnow/UK

At £23M, its sale is not the biggest property deal in the world. But the Clermont Club casino in Berkeley Square in London could lay claim to being the most significant address in modern finance — it is where the concept of what is today [...] Read more →

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Officers and men of the 13th Light Dragoons, British Army, Crimea. Rostrum photograph of photographer’s original print, uncropped and without color correction. Survivors of the Charge.

Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. “Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the [...] Read more →

A History of Fowling – Ravens and Jays

From A History of Fowling, Being an Account of the Many Curios Devices by Which Wild Birds are, or Have Been, Captured in Different Parts of the World by Rev. H.A. MacPherson, M.A.

THE RAVEN (Corvus corax) is generally accredited with a large endowment of mother wit. Its warning [...] Read more →

Cocktails and Canapés

From The How and When, An Authoritative reference reference guide to the origin, use and classification of the world’s choicest vintages and spirits by Hyman Gale and Gerald F. Marco. The Marco name is of a Chicago family that were involved in all aspects of the liquor business and ran Marco’s Bar [...] Read more →

Catholic Religious Orders

Saint Francis of Assisi, founder of the mendicant Order of Friars Minor, as painted by El Greco.

Catholic religious order

Catholic religious orders are one of two types of religious institutes (‘Religious Institutes’, cf. canons 573–746), the major form of consecrated life in the Roman Catholic Church. They are organizations of laity [...] Read more →

Birth of United Fruit Company

From Conquest of the Tropics by Frederick Upham Adams

Chapter VI – Birth of the United Fruit Company

Only those who have lived in the tropic and are familiar with the hazards which confront the cultivation and marketing of its fruits can readily understand [...] Read more →

Of the Room and Furniture

Crewe Hall Dining Room


THE transient tenure that most of us have in our dwellings, and the absorbing nature of the struggle that most of us have to make to win the necessary provisions of life, prevent our encouraging the manufacture of well-wrought furniture.

We mean to outgrow [...] Read more →

Fortune, Independence, and Competence

THE answer to the question, What is fortune has never been, and probably never will be, satisfactorily made. What may be a fortune for one bears but small proportion to the colossal possessions of another. The scores or hundreds of thousands admired and envied as a fortune in most of our communities [...] Read more →

Curing Diabetes With an Old Malaria Formula

For years in the West African nation of Ghana medicine men have used a root and leaves from a plant called nibima(Cryptolepis sanguinolenta) to kill the Plasmodium parasite transmitted through a female mosquito’s bite that is the root cause of malaria. A thousand miles away in India, a similar(same) plant [...] Read more →

A Couple of Classic Tennessee Squirrel Recipes


3-4 Young Squirrels, dressed and cleaned 1 tsp. Morton Salt or to taste 1 tsp. McCormick Black Pepper or to taste 1 Cup Martha White All Purpose Flour 1 Cup Hog Lard – Preferably fresh from hog killing, or barbecue table

Cut up three to [...] Read more →

Herbal Psychedelics – Rhododendron ponticum and Mad Honey Disease

Toxicity of Rhododendron From

“Potentially toxic chemicals, particularly ‘free’ phenols, and diterpenes, occur in significant quantities in the tissues of plants of Rhododendron species. Diterpenes, known as grayanotoxins, occur in the leaves, flowers and nectar of Rhododendrons. These differ from species to species. Not all species produce them, although Rhododendron ponticum [...] Read more →

How to Make Money – Insurance

Life insurance certificate issued by the Yorkshire Fire & Life Insurance Company to Samuel Holt, Liverpool, England, 1851. On display at the British Museum in London. Donated by the ifs School of Finance. Photo by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg)

From How to Make Money; and How to Keep it, Or, Capital and Labor [...] Read more →

The Stock Exchange Specialist

New York Stock Exchange Floor September 26,1963

The Specialist as a member of a stock exchange has two functions.’ He must execute orders which other members of an exchange may leave with him when the current market price is away from the price of the orders. By executing these orders on behalf [...] Read more →

David Starkey: Britain’s Last Great Historian

Dr. David Starkey, the UK’s premiere historian, speaks to the modern and fleeting notion of “cancel culture”. Starkey’s brilliance is unparalleled and it has become quite obvious to the world’s remaining Western scholars willing to stand on intellectual integrity that a few so-called “Woke Intellectuals” most certainly cannot undermine [...] Read more →

Banana Propagation

Banana Propagation

Reprinted from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (

The traditional means of obtaining banana planting material (“seed”) is to acquire suckers from one’s own banana garden, from a neighbor, or from a more distant source. This method served to spread common varieties around the world and to multiply them [...] Read more →

Looking for a Gift for the Book Collector in the Family?

Buying a book for a serious collector with refined tastes can be a daunting task.

However, there is one company that publishes some of the finest reproduction books in the world, books that most collectors wouldn’t mind having in their collection no matter their general preference or specialty.

The Legacy of Felix de Weldon

Felix Weihs de Weldon, age 96, died broke in the year 2003 after successive bankruptcies and accumulating $4 million dollars worth of debt. Most of the debt was related to the high cost of love for a wife living with Alzheimer’s. Health care costs to maintain his first wife, Margot, ran $500 per [...] Read more →

The Flying Saucers are Real by Donald Keyhoe

It was a strange assignment. I picked up the telegram from desk and read it a third time.

NEW YORK, N.Y., MAY 9, 1949


The Fowling Piece – Part I

THE FOWLING PIECE, from the Shooter’s Guide by B. Thomas – 1811.

I AM perfectly aware that a large volume might be written on this subject; but, as my intention is to give only such information and instruction as is necessary for the sportsman, I shall forbear introducing any extraneous [...] Read more →

Modern Slow Cookers, A Critical Design Flaw

Modern slow cookers come in all sizes and colors with various bells and whistles, including timers and shut off mechanisms. They also come with a serious design flaw, that being the lack of a proper domed lid.

The first photo below depict a popular model Crock-Pot® sold far and wide [...] Read more →

Here’s Many a Year to You

” Here’s many a year to you ! Sportsmen who’ve ridden life straight. Here’s all good cheer to you ! Luck to you early and late.

Here’s to the best of you ! You with the blood and the nerve. Here’s to the rest of you ! What of a weak moment’s swerve ? [...] Read more →

Books of Use to the International Art Collector

Hebborn Piranesi

Before meeting with an untimely death at the hand of an unknown assassin in Rome on January 11th, 1996, master forger Eric Hebborn put down on paper a wealth of knowledge about the art of forgery. In a book published posthumously in 1997, titled The Art Forger’s Handbook, Hebborn suggests [...] Read more →

The Human Seasons

John Keats

Four Seasons fill the measure of the year; There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his lusty spring, when fancy clear Takes in all beauty with an easy span; He has his Summer, when luxuriously Spring’s honied cud of youthful thoughts he loves To ruminate, and by such [...] Read more →

A General Process for Making Wine

A General Process for Making Wine.

Gathering the Fruit Picking the Fruit Bruising the Fruit Vatting the Fruit Vinous Fermentation Drawing the Must Pressing the Must Casking the Must Spirituous Fermentation Racking the Wine Bottling and Corking the Wine Drinking the Wine


It is of considerable consequence [...] Read more →

Copper Kills Covid-19 and the Sun is Your Friend

The element copper effectively kills viruses and bacteria.

Therefore it would reason and I will assert and not only assert but lay claim to the patents for copper mesh stints to be inserted in the arteries of patients presenting with severe cases of Covid-19 with a slow release dosage of [...] Read more →

Sea and River Fishing

An angler with a costly pole Surmounted with a silver reel, Carven in quaint poetic scroll- Jointed and tipped with finest steel— With yellow flies, Whose scarlet eyes And jasper wings are fair to see, Hies to the stream Whose bubbles beam Down murmuring eddies wild and free. And casts the line with sportsman’s [...] Read more →

Chinese 9 Course Dinner

The following recipes form the most popular items in a nine-course dinner program:


Soak one pound bird’s nest in cold water overnight. Drain the cold water and cook in boiling water. Drain again. Do this twice. Clean the bird’s nest. Be sure [...] Read more →

Beef Jerky



Slice 5 pounds lean beef (flank steak or similar cut) into strips 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick, 1 to 2 inches wide, and 4 to 12 inches long. Cut with grain of meat; remove the fat. Lay out in a single layer on a smooth clean surface (use [...] Read more →

A Summer Memory


Here, where these low lush meadows lie, We wandered in the summer weather, When earth and air and arching sky, Blazed grandly, goldenly together.

And oft, in that same summertime, We sought and roamed these self-same meadows, When evening brought the curfew chime, And peopled field and fold with shadows.

I mind me [...] Read more →

A Crock of Squirrel


4 young squirrels – quartered Salt & Pepper 1 large bunch of fresh coriander 2 large cloves of garlic 2 tbsp. salted sweet cream cow butter ¼ cup of brandy 1 tbsp. turbinado sugar 6 fresh apricots 4 strips of bacon 1 large package of Monterrey [...] Read more →

CIA 1950s Unevaluated UFO Intelligence



INROMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENT OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY: Non-Orbit SUBJECT: Military – Air – Scientific – Aeronautics HOW PUBLISHED: Newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED: As indicated DATE PUBLISHED: 12 Dec 1953 – 12 Jan 1954 LANGUAGE: Various SOURCE: As indicated REPORT NO. 00-W-30357 DATE OF INFORMATION: 1953-1954 DATE DIST. 27 [...] Read more →